
June Parish Council meeting

Meeting Clipart

The next meeting of the parish council will be held on Thursday 25th June via Zoom video conference.  The public and press are welcome to attend this meeting.  Please email the clerk ( by 12 noon on Thursday 25th June, for an invite to the meeting. You will need a suitable computer or tablet to join the meeting.

A copy of the agenda and supporting papers can be viewed on the Agendas and Minutes page

May parish council meeting

Meeting Clipart

The next meeting of the parish council will be held on Thursday 28th May via Zoom video conference.  The public and press are welcome to attend this meeting.  Please email the clerk ( by 12 noon on Thursday 28th May, for an invite to the meeting. You will need a suitable computer or tablet to join the meeting.

A copy of the agenda and supporting papers can be viewed on the Agendas and Minutes page

Allotment rents delay

Allotment Icon

Due to the current crisis, annual rent letters are being delayed until restrictions on peoples movements are lifted.

The allotments remain open, please follow guidance on social distancing issued by the Government.

Please do not make payment until you have received your letter.

The plan is to send them later this summer.

If you have any questions, please contact the Parish Clerk.

UPDATE-March meeting cancelled

Warning Sign

COVID-19 Pandemic

Following the announcement made by the Prime Minister yesterday evening, the parish council meeting scheduled for 26th March is cancelled.

Parish council meetings have been suspended until further notice.

March parish council meeting

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The next meeting of the parish council will take place on Thursday 26th March, 7.30pm in Burstwick Village Hall.

The council has a reduced agenda so that decisions are taken only on essential items of business.

If you have a question to raise in public participation and you do not want to attend the meeting due to Covid-19 outbreak, these can be emailed to the clerk in advance and will be discussed with the council in that section of the agenda.

A copy of the agenda can be viewed on Agendas and Minutes page.

The meeting is open to press and public, but you will be asked to sit 2 metres apart as per current government guidance.